Tuesday, August 11, 2009

TwinkieR* A.K.A. The Raw Twinkie has moved to Little RAWK!!

Thats right family!! I have just moved to Arkansas. Little RAWk to be exact. I am so excited to be in a new place with a fresh new start. I have not been blogging much since I found out that we were going to be in transition to a new state. I had been trying to prepare myself for where it might be and what life has in store for me. My family and I have finally settled in and I am now able to commit to my life's purpose. To help others and enjoy life to the fullest. I had so much fun this weekend going to the Riverfront Farmers Market here in Little RAWk, that I thought that I would share it with you guys.

Oh yes, I also started my RAW business here in Arkansas. If you are interested check out my site (still working on it as I blog) www.therawtwinkie.info. I will be adding various recipes, videos, articles, etc... So pop on by when you can. Also, I am so looking forward to seeing you on my social networking site www.womenintheraw.ning.com. Well, I guess thats all for today. I will be blogging tomorrow with a few great updates. Until then enjoy the video.

Much Love,
TwinkieR* A.K.A. The RAW Twinkie